Nicholas Mangan | “A World Undone” (2012) co-acquired by Tate and MCA Australia

Nicholas Mangan | “A World Undone” (2012) co-acquired by Tate and MCA Australia

    We are pleased to announce that “A World Undone” (2012) by Nicholas Mangan has been acquired by Tate and the MCA Australia as part of the International Joint Acquisition Program supported by Qantas.

    To make this film, Mangan used his grandfather’s geological hammer to smash a rock containing 4.400 Million year zircon crystals, the oldest mineral found on earth.

    The action was filmed with a camera that captures movement at a speed of 2500 frames per second, a metaphor for a worrying and inevitable future.

    “The airborne dust elicits an image of the earth’s crust dematerializing, a rear vision view of the earth’s becoming; an inverted cosmos.” - Nicholas Mangan