Ciudad Moderna: Terence Gower Video Works

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The video Ciu­dad Mod­erna is a com­pos­ite of clips taken from the pop­u­lar Mex­i­can film De­s­pe­dida de Casada, re­leased in 1966. The source film is treated as a doc­u­ment of the con­tem­po­rary city, and is re-edited to show off the mod­ern ar­chi­tec­ture of Mex­ico, such as the Mu­seum of An­thro­pol­ogy, the apart­ment build­ings of Avenida de la Re­forma, and the Ho­tel Pres­i­dente in Aca­pulco. Clips from the orig­i­nal film dis­solve into sin­gle frames that cap­ture the ar­chi­tec­ture in pris­tine black and white, or show per­spec­tive ren­der­ings like il­lus­tra­tions from an ar­chi­tec­tural mono­graph.
Doc­u­men­ta­tion: Video Ex­cerpt; In­stal­la­tion at Lab­o­ra­to­rio Arte Alameda; In­stal­la­tion at Store­front for Art and Ar­chite­ture; Video stills

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2006 AR/Turner ISBN 10 84-7506-727-1


Dig­i­tal Video, 6:20 min­utes Edit: Anita Chao Dig­i­tal Imag­ing: Lind­say Stadig Graph­ics: Na­talia Porter Re­search: An­gel Martínez Film Archive: Fil­moteca, UNAM Film Source: De­s­pe­dida de Casada, Mex­ico, 1966 Fund­ing: Pe­ter S. Reed Foun­da­tion